Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf was founded by [Imran Khan] on April 25th, 1996 in Lahore, Pakistan. The constitution of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf was approved on January 24th, 1999 by the CEC in Lahore, Pakistan.
The PTI manifesto states "The PTI agenda of resurgence articulates the long neglected aspirations of our people and spells out the vision of a modern Islamic republic that advocates tolerance, moderation and freedom to practice the religion of one’s choice." (PTI Manifesto)
The constitution was approved by the
Central Executive Committee of the party under the Chairmanship of Mr. Imran Khan, Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf at Lahore on 24 January 1999. Whereas:
Creation of Pakistan was the result of relentless struggle of Muslims in India under the inspiring- leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah to establish a homeland where they could practice their beliefs and Ideals.
Pakistan was envisaged as a country and society wherein people would live in harmony and peace free from exploitation corruption and prejudices of all kind under a democratic system ensuring justice, equality and prosperity for all citizens.
Concentration of power at the center has negated the spirit of federalism causing a sense of deprivation amongst the federating units which has resulted, in narrow parochialism, ethnicity and division among the people that led to separation of East Pakistan and continues to threaten the integrity and solidarity of Pakistan.
Pakistan fell into the hands of ruling elite consisting of inept, corrupt. and selfish politicians, feudals, civil and military bureaucrats and other vested interests who have plundered Pakistan and have brought it to the brink of disaster.
Colonial system of Government and feudal hold of society nourished a dependency syndrome, which has created a chronic debt-dependent economy curbing initiative and self-reliance.
Justice has disappeared from all walks of life and the state institutions have lost credibility.
The common citizen is deprived of access to basic necessities of life such as food, education, employment, health care, clothing, housing and transportation and has been, made victim of violence in society, breakdown of law and order, institutionalized corruption, tyranny of police and other government departments.
Jammu and Kashmir has remained an incomplete agenda of Pakistan Movement.
Pakistan stands at the threshold of economic disaster, breakdown of institutions, collapse of governance, social disorder, desperation and disillusionment.
These were the issues raised in making of a new political party.
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